
5 Ways to Reuse Easter Dinner Leftovers

The most unpleasant part of any holiday meal is the leftovers from the dishes that have been so laboriously prepared. That's why we're giving you some ideas on how to combine them perfectly so you don't lose anything and enjoy every bite!

Cooking at home, even during the holidays, supports healthy eating habits, and there's nothing better than cooking once and eating several times. While leftovers from the Passover meal can be eaten as is, it's nice to update it and turn it into something a little different.

While we all like to linger at the table to spend as much time as possible with family, friends and neighbors, it's wise not to leave food on the table for too long. Bacteria begin to develop, especially in the case of cups, eggs, cakes, so take care to put them in the casserole immediately after serving. Later, decide what you can do with the leftovers to give them a new look and special taste. We give you some ideas in the following!

What can you do with leftover Easter eggs?

Egg Salad – You can make a rich, delicious salad from leftover boiled Easter eggs, as well as greens and vegetables left over from the main course.

Rice with boiled egg. Slice a few thin slices of hard-boiled eggs and add them to steamed rice for a filling dinner or lunch.

Avocado Eggs – Together with avocado, Easter eggs can be a healthy breakfast.

Vegetables and Eggs – Crack eggs and add them to your favorite vegetable dishes.

Chicken or Tuna Salad – Another easy classic is this salad with greens, chicken or tuna and poached eggs.

Breakfast with egg and ham pizza

Breakfast, lunch or dinner can be different with this version of traditional pizza. The ham and vegetables left over from the Easter meal can be placed on a classic pizza surface and topped with some tomato sauce, mozzarella or cheese, perhaps a few pieces of chicken steak if there is any left over.

Leftover ham and bread? Make a grilled sandwich

Ham goes well with a savory sandwich. Add cheese, arugula and other vegetables from the holiday table. Place them between slices of pre-toasted bread.

Do you have any bread or muffins left? Prepare a delicious breakfast!

Whisk together the eggs, milk, sugar, a little salt and, if desired, a little nutmeg in a shallow bowl. Then dip sliced bread or muffins into this egg mixture. Heat some oil in a frying pan and fry the slices on both sides. If you choose slices of bread, you can cover them after browning with cheese and slices of ham.

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Place remaining lamb into tenderloin sandwiches

Reuse lamb from an Easter roast, leftover main courses and Easter eggs to make sticky buns. Chop eggs, red radishes and chop meat, ham, sausages, green onions. Stuff your lips with garlic sauce or tzatziki.

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5 Ways to Reuse Easter Dinner Leftovers