
What does it mean to donate your body to science after death?

When we lose a loved one, we have to make many decisions. One of them concerns what will happen to an inanimate body. Is gifting an option?

There are no official statistics on the number of people who choose to donate their bodies to science, but there is information on how many people in the United States choose to do so—about 20,000 Americans do so every year.

But what exactly does body donation after death mean? Another perfectly valid question concerns the funeral plans of the deceased person and the impact of such a decision on his family.

Research for Life is an organization that promotes the donation of all scientific resources and says there are several reasons to consider this option. The first thing to consider is that the inanimate body and its organs can help in various medical research that can save human lives. Moreover, budding doctors and surgeons have someone who can put into practice what they have learned, which again is important when it comes to saving lives.

However, one important aspect to consider is that this decision will affect the funeral. When someone decides to donate their body to science, after death, this body must be urgently retrieved; there is no time for embalming or burial. Moreover, the relatives and friends of the deceased will not be able to see the lifeless body and, as a result, will not be able to say “Goodbye!”

A funeral ceremony can be held, but it may take up to two years for the family to receive the cremated remains. So we must take into account that the deceased will not attend the funeral.

The reason you might want to donate your body after death is for medical students to learn so they can later help their patients, or to help scientists better understand a complex medical topic, study it more accurately.

If you want to donate your body to a specific university, research program, or hospital, you should find out if they have such a program. If not, you can find someone else who can benefit from your special donation.

Photo — Shutterstock

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What does it mean to donate your body to science after death?