
Prepare your garden for winter. 13 useful tips

After you've fully enjoyed the garden's harvest or the beautiful flowers for the rest of autumn, you're tempted to close the garden gate and let nature take its natural course.

You should know that if the garden is properly prepared for winter, the remaining plants have a good chance of surviving the winter with flying colors, and gardening will be easier in the spring. A complete guide Caring for your garden plants in winter will help you prepare your garden properly, and in the spring you will have to put in less effort.

Here are 13 helpful tips to prepare your garden for winter:

1. Remove weeds

Most of the weeds could be destroyed during the growing season. If time has not allowed you so far, remove them by the roots and thereby prevent their appearance in the spring.

2. Remove diseased plants

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Diseased leaves, even those that have fallen to the ground, will contribute to the overwintering of spores of pathogenic microorganisms or pests. If you encountered plant health problems during the growing season and did not have time to intervene, now is the time to eliminate them. If the leaves are healthy, they can remain on the soil, providing protection to the roots and adding organic matter to the soil.

3. Evaluate the plants in the garden

For garden plants that have been grown for a season, it is time to evaluate them to determine if they are coping well with the climate and soil conditions in your garden. If, after an assessment, you find that some plants are not amenable to native cultivation, it is good to inquire about others varieties and hybrids plants available in Romania.

4. Make cuts

Some perennials can be pruned in the fall. During this period, you can prune fruit trees and shrubs, vines or aromatic plants such as rosemary and sage. Perennial plants that bloom in the spring should not be pruned at this time because you will remove the flower buds. Their shape can be adjusted immediately after flowering.

5. Fertilizer

In the fall, organic fertilizers such as manure and compost, as well as phosphorus- and potassium-based fertilizers, are applied to the field. In this way, nutrients can be converted into a form that can be absorbed by plants.

6. Sow vegetables

Some vegetable crops, such as onions, garlic, radishes, spinach, and sometimes even lettuce, can be sown in the fall. A prerequisite for their survival during the winter is the ability to form at least two true leaves before frost. In the spring they will return to the vegetation after the thaw.

7. Plant

Autumn is the ideal time to plant fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs. Seedlings planted during this period will enter the growing season faster in the spring, thanks to optimal moisture after the snow melts.

8. Decorate the garden with flowers

Fruit trees and vegetable plants are essential in the garden, but it's so relaxing when you combine business with pleasure! Choose your favorite perennials that are suitable for fall planting, such as bulbous flowers: daffodils, tulips, irises or a few rose bushes, and decorate the garden.

9. Add a layer of mulch

Especially for, but not limited to, frost-sensitive plants, applying a layer of mulch will reduce water evaporation from the soil, keep temperatures below freezing at root level, and protect plant roots from shocks caused by alternating freezes and thaws.

10. Prepare the lawn

Blades of grass that are too long or uneven will result in brown spots in the spring. This phenomenon can be prevented by keeping the lawn level until frost arrives. You can also apply a special fall lawn fertilizer that will strengthen the grass blade and provide frost resistance.

11. Close the irrigation system

To prevent malfunctions and damage caused by frost, experts recommend draining the water from the irrigation system and, if necessary, turning it off.

12. Prepare your tools

As the popular saying suggests, “The owner buys a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter,” in the fall, after finishing work in the garden, it’s time to assess the condition of the garden equipment and, if necessary, intervene in repairs or repairs. plan for purchasing new others

13. Prepare a place to plant the Christmas tree

If you plan to purchase a Christmas tree soon, prepare the planting hole before the ground freezes. You can preventively protect the pit in case it snows.

We've put together 13 ideas you can implement to prepare your garden for winter, and with so much work still to do, we wish you all the best!

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Prepare your garden for winter. 13 useful tips