
Those born under these signs have the strongest immunity. You are one of them?

Although not scientifically proven, your zodiac can provide insight into your strengths and weaknesses, including your immune system. Here, according to Times India, are the signs with the strongest immunity!

Four zodiac signs are winners in terms of health.

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Mysterious and nervous, Scorpio seems to be in optimal health most of the time. Despite the fact that the sign indicates a person who takes risks and often finds himself in dangerous circumstances, he surprisingly manages to come out of these situations unscathed (almost always).

While this may seem like just luck, it is actually the Scorpio lifestyle that keeps them in good shape. Not a foodie, you will rarely find a Scorpio who eats after he is full. Plus, even if this zodiac sign isn't very motivated to exercise, they usually prefer to take the stairs and walk when the opportunity arises.


Don't be fooled by the delicacy of this sign, it is one of the most reliable zodiac signs in the universe of astrology. They usually don't fall victim to serious illnesses because their panic radar is always on. Thus, you can be sure that Virgo recognizes the symptoms of diseases and does not allow them to develop and degenerate. Ultimately, it is Virgo's signature habit of taking extra precautions and being physically active that keeps them healthy and fit.


Taurus is strong both physically and mentally. They rarely get stuck in the face of illness and approach the situation without control, as they do with all other aspects of their lives. They usually recover quickly from illnesses and often take care of their physical health. They love to control their body and are blessed with excellent health.

a lion

The King of the Zodiac Universe prides himself on maintaining optimal health and chafes at the thought of spending the day in bed. It's no surprise that Leos are known for their stamina and well-built body. Despite the fact that the majestic king is a gourmet, he tries not to overdo it and keeps himself in excellent physical shape.

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Those born under these signs have the strongest immunity. You are one of them?