
Secrets of a functional kitchen.

The kitchen in any home is a place of primary importance, and this is due to the fact that, par excellence, it is a multifunctional space, being both a place for cooking and a place that plays an important social role for the family. communication.

The ideal kitchen, paradoxically, does not depend on its size, but on how it is organized and designed, because this is where its functionality comes from. Keeping a few secrets will make the kitchen the perfect space.

Functional triangle

Resistance elements in the kitchen are what make the space functional, and their selection requires coordination and adaptation to the real needs of the home and family. Each of them determines the purpose of the kitchen and must correspond to its size and design style.

The three elements form a functional triangle. First kitchen sink, real nodal point. It must be of good quality, large enough, easy to maintain and clean, durable, perfectly assembled and complemented by an easy-to-handle and functional battery that can satisfy many needs. The drainage system should be easy to disassemble and reassemble so that it can be cleaned and disinfected every time it is needed.

Next in order are two other important elements: the cooking area and the refrigerator. The main condition is that when choosing them, you should take into account the available space, and the option of including parts, including vertically, is always a lifesaver that should be taken into account.

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Sources of light

The kitchen requires a lot of attention when installing artificial lighting systems. Light is an integral part because it defines the space, demarcates work areas and, just as importantly, creates the scenery needed for each of the functions of that room: cooking, social dining area or additional work space.

The secret to a successful arrangement is to use several light sources located in 2-3 different planes: in the ceiling, at the tabletop and stove level. It might be a good idea to use custom solutions such as a lamp or even a lamppost if space allows, or an LED lighting system, perhaps one that can produce colored light, to create a set design that can adapt. to any situation.

The use of warm light sources is another detail to consider to create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere.

Smart storage

Whether your kitchen is large or small, indoor or outdoor, there is always a smart storage solution. Using shelves, magnetic strips or tiered stands can free up significant surface area on countertops and cabinets.

Tall cabinets are excellent because they offer ample space. They are also ideal for turning on home appliances. However, they must be used with extreme caution, as they clutter up the space and create a cluttered appearance. It is useful to know that vertical cabinets are never located on the sides of doors and windows. Their ideal place is in shaded areas to visually reduce their volume.

One trick that works is grouping tall lights on one wall for organized decor. Vertical cabinets should continue with horizontal areas to balance the space.

The solution to having a beautiful kitchen that makes you feel good in whatever you do is a combination of styles, materials and colors. You can create your own style by combining pieces of furniture according to your needs, what you like and what suits you.

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Secrets of a functional kitchen.