
Do you sleep with your bedroom door closed? Experts advise not to do this

Experts believe that sleeping with the bedroom door open is very beneficial. This is why you shouldn't close your bedroom door when you go to bed!

Sleep experts say that for a restful night's sleep, you need to sleep with your bedroom door open. In particular, leaving the door open while you sleep will help you rest better as it will improve air circulation in the room.

“Many people are unaware of the benefits of leaving the bedroom door open. First, the study found that people who sleep with their bedroom door open sleep better and longer than those who sleep with the door closed. The reason for this is that leaving the door open helps regulate the temperature in the room, making it a little cooler. (…) Better air circulation contributes to better and more restful sleep. Cold air is cooling, meaning it helps us get a restful night's sleep,” said Rex Isap, according to The Ideal Home, while another expert says an open bedroom door can alleviate feelings of isolation and create a harmonious atmosphere in the home. House:

“A bedroom with an open door also gives a feeling of openness and connection to your living space. This can alleviate feelings of isolation and help create a positive and more harmonious atmosphere in the home. It also brings natural light into the home, which is essential in the morning,” says specialist Sammy Margot.

Ideal temperature for good sleep

For proper rest, the ideal temperature in the bedroom should be between 18-20 degrees Celsius. According to expert Rex Isap, these degrees will help you sleep easier, as they are great for people who suffer from night sweats, as well as menopausal women who experience hot flashes and sweating.

So, are you convinced to try sleeping with the door open if you haven't already? Plus, we think these products will also help you get a restful night's sleep.

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Do you sleep with your bedroom door closed? Experts advise not to do this