
The zodiac in which the richest people in the world were born. His leadership qualities are undeniable!

Maybe you love the compassion of Pisces or appreciate the bravery of Leo, but did you know there is a zodiac sign that brings money? This is also the sign in which most of the world's billionaires were born.

A team of experts analyzed the first 250 of the world's billionaires on Forbes magazine's 2020 list in hopes of finding out which of them was the most common sign in the ranking, The Business Insider reports. .

You might think that Cancer would be lucky since Elon Musk and Richard Branson, two of the world's biggest billionaires, were born under their sign.

But Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison and Sergey Brin are represented by Leo, and Steve Ballmer and Mukesh Ambani are represented by Aries. Both Virgo and Aquarius are in the ranking, but neither of them is lucky.

Were you born under this zodiac sign? You have a better chance of becoming a billionaire!

Experts who analyzed the richest people in the world found that Libra is a lucky sign. Specifically, 27 of the top 250 billionaires, including Ralph Lauren, Stefan Persson, Liliane Bettencourt and Alice Walton, were born between September 22 and October 23.

Why are Libras so lucky?

It shouldn't surprise us that many of the world's billionaires were born under this sign. As The Sun writes, Libras know how to work smartly, as much and when needed. Stylecaster also reports that Libra people maintain balance in business because they know when to speak and when to remain silent.

According to the same source, this sign is also successful because it refuses to praise its employees until they demonstrate over the long term that they are capable of performing the tasks offered.

What is the ranking of zodiac signs with money luck?

The second place in the list of the richest people in the world is occupied by the sign of Pisces, 22 billionaires were born under this sign.

In order they are: Cancer, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries, Aquarius, Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

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The zodiac in which the richest people in the world were born. His leadership qualities are undeniable!