What Leticia Calderon looks like at 55 years old. How old has Esmeralda become?
Leticia Calderon has managed to attract the attention of many men and women over the years. The one who played Esmeralda, the favorite heroine of Romanians in the late 1990s, has lost neither brilliance nor beauty. This is what the Mexican actress looks like at 55 years old.
Do you still know Leticia Calderon from the telenovela Esmeralda? In the 1990s, she created a sensation among Romanians, who wholeheartedly followed the intrigue and drama of the love story between her and Fernando Colunga (José Armando in the series).
Although she no longer looks like the young Esmeralda, the actress of Mexican origin, who has reached the age of 55, seems to defy natural “laws”, because her beauty remains undeniable. It has retained its characteristics, has not lost its brilliance and beauty, and its maturity has given it an even more interesting shade. Leticia Claderon is as beautiful now as she was in her youth!
At 29, she became one of the most beloved Mexican actresses in the world. Now she is 55 years old, but she is still loved by thousands of fans.
At 55, Leticia Calderon is as beautiful as in her youth.
Born on July 15, 1968 in Mexico, Leticia Calderon became especially famous for her memorable portrayal of the main character of the telenovela Esmeralda, which captivated audiences in the late 90s, and her beauty and artistic talent made her one of the most beloved soap opera actresses around the world.
If in the productions in which she appeared, she experienced happiness after each difficult stage, then in real life Letitia faced more disappointments. Initially, the actress was married to Marco Lopez, who was also an actor, but, unfortunately, their marriage lasted only two years; in 1999, the two partners decided to go their separate ways.
She later married a lawyer, but the marriage with Juan Collado also did not end well, but lasted longer than the first by 6 years, divorcing in 2010 after the man fell in love with another woman during his marriage to the actress. Before breaking up, they became the parents of a little boy named Luciano. The boy was born in 2004, and later his parents learned that he suffered from Down syndrome.
Her life was never the same again, even though Letizia became pregnant again three months after this episode and gave birth to a completely healthy child, Carlos.