
The secret of large and tasty tomatoes. The trick can be implemented extremely simply!

We found out what the secret of the most skilled gardeners is to produce a bountiful harvest of tasty and beautiful tomatoes. Are you ready to discover and implement this trick?

In summer, tomatoes are considered tastier than at any other time of the year, because the sun and high temperatures promote the synthesis of sugars, which gives them more aroma and, of course, a rich taste.

In addition, eating tomatoes in the summer is also good for health, because their nutrients protect our skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays, such as sunburn and age spots.

And while some prefer to buy tomatoes at the market, other gardeners take care of their own harvest. If you also like to grow tomatoes in your own garden, we will tell you what helps them be big, beautiful and tasty.

The trick to growing big and tasty tomatoes

Nothing beats the delicious taste of summer tomatoes, right? Science Garden says that for a big, tasty tomato harvest, over-the-counter aspirin can help!

The active ingredient in aspirin is called acetylsalicylic acid, which when dissolved in water forms salicylic acid and acetic acid. According to a study by the International Society of Horticultural Sciences, spraying tomato seedlings with salicylic acid has a positive effect on the growth of tomatoes because aspirin activates their defense mode, meaning that they will no longer be susceptible to certain fungi and pests that can cause diseases and subtle degradation. Aspirin also helps tomatoes more easily tolerate high temperatures during this period. So how do you use it?

How to use this medicine in the garden

Dissolve 250-500 mg. aspirin per 4.5 liters of water and spray the plants 2 times a month. Tomatoes are said to respond well to this solution and are likely to grow larger and tastier. This trick doesn't seem difficult at all, so it's worth a try, right?

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The secret of large and tasty tomatoes. The trick can be implemented extremely simply!