
Tips for Cleaning Pet Hair

Do you have a dog or cat and see pet hair everywhere you look? These tips may help you remove it more easily! Also see how you can reduce excessive shedding!

If your pet's hair seems to be everywhere you turn lately, it might not be your imagination! Both dogs and cats can go through a period of heavy shedding in the spring, as warmer temperatures signal it's time to shed their thicker winter coats.

If your pet has a favorite spot on the bed, sofa or rug, protect it with a machine-washable blanket once a week. This will not only protect the floor and furniture, but will also extend the life of the vacuum cleaner. Don't forget to wash your pet's bed often!

Use a rubber glove

Using a rubber glove, you can collect hair from all surfaces where it collects. The hair will stick to the glove and can be easily removed. Since there are many types of gloves available in physical stores or online, you may want to try several until you find the right one.

Lint rollers

These rollers are great for removing pet hair. Keep one on hand and use it often. In the absence of such a roller, it can be made from a small paint roller and tape. Wrap a long piece of duct tape around the roller, sticky side facing out.

Pumice and scraper

Some surfaces are especially difficult to clean of pet hair. This is the case with car upholstery. You can use a pumice stone and gently rub it over the upholstery to remove even the most stubborn hair. And a mop can be an effective tool for picking up hair from carpets. Simply run the squeegee over the desired surface and gather the hair at the end.

Old socks quickly push hair off furniture and floors

Turn a thicker sock inside out, place it on your arm or leg, and rub it over the areas where your dog or cat's hair collects. You can moisten it a little so that the threads set even faster.

How to Reduce Excessive Hair Loss in Your Pet

Check out his feed

If he seems to be shedding heavily outside of normal times (spring and fall), the food may be to blame. Dogs and cats that eat high-quality foods rich in vitamins and minerals lose less hair than pets that don't.

Brush your cat or dog regularly

Along with proper and healthy nutrition, you should take care of regular, i.e. at least once a week, combing your pet with a brush that is suitable for the length of its fur. Regular brushing helps remove shedding hair, stimulates blood circulation and is good for both skin and coat.

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Tips for Cleaning Pet Hair