
What your favorite shoes say about you

Just by looking at the shoes you wear most often, you can tell what kind of person you are. Can you be a loyal friend or are you chasing the attention of loved ones? Find out in the next one!

If you like to wear boots, especially high heels, you may want to be in control. You are able to quickly make rational decisions, you are confident in yourself and others feel safe around you. You take charge, love to be the center of attention, and are very brave. Do you like to wear different shoes depending on the season? See what each choice means!

Do you choose sports shoes more often?

You enjoy challenges, especially those related to sports. You really take everything you set out to do seriously and make an effort to stay on track, whether you want to lose weight or aim for a certain job. You are confident, organized and goal-oriented. Your dream is to solve several things at once, to take care of everything and everyone. It is no coincidence that sports shoes are a favorite of mothers.

Do you like to be in nature?

Your loved ones would describe you as someone who is in love with hiking and nature in general. You are generous, loving, caring. For practical reasons or because they feel comfortable wearing clogs, many nurses, doctors and chefs wear clogs.

Whenever possible, you choose ballet flats

You do not need much attention from others and do not demand recognition of your merits. You are a modest and generous person if you wear ballet flats more often. Often those who choose this type of shoe are dynamic and set things in motion.

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High heels show appreciation for beauty

If you choose to wear high heels, you may appear materialistic, but you are actually a very hard working person. You are full of determination and take on the task, not refusing anyone or any challenge, no matter how difficult it may seem. You love beauty and surround yourself with delicate things. They don't always have to be expensive, just pleasing to the eye. You know how to create an aesthetic space.

Flip-flops and slippers inspire relaxation

Do you feel better in shoes with cutouts? This means that you have a calm nature. Instead of succumbing to social pressure, you prefer to follow your dreams and seek your happiness or do what brings satisfaction to your loved ones. You are a person who is ready for anything, very easy to understand, spontaneous and unconventional.

Moccasins are a sign of legibility

Do you wear moccasins more often and feel comfortable in them? You are likely to be meticulous, level-headed, and a perfectionist. When you have something done, you make sure it is done to the highest standard. You give your all, be it in your personal or professional life. You are very responsible, attentive to details, persistent when you have a goal. Your friends will say that you are a true friend, and at work the bosses will not give up on you so easily.

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What your favorite shoes say about you