
Why do some people not gain weight no matter how much they eat?

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to stay thin despite eating whatever they like, while others gain weight from doing anything?

The secret to their flawless body is not necessarily a strict regime and an orderly lifestyle, writes Unbeliveble Facts.

A study conducted by a team of researchers from Cambridge found that some people have a unique genetic code that helps them maintain the same body weight throughout their lives. While previous studies have focused on genetic influences on obesity, this recent study focuses on what it means to be thin.

The study, published in the journal PLOS Genetics, is the largest to date. The team compared the DNA of about 14,000 people and divided them into different weight groups to find out how genes might influence how many pounds a person weighs.

Sadaf Farooqi, a professor at the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Sciences at the University of Cambridge, led the study, which was funded by the European Research Council. The goal of Thin People and Thin People Research was to find out how and why some people have no problem staying thin compared to others.

Previous research has shown that defective genes are responsible for severe obesity, which often occurs early in life. This particular study, however, showed that a combination of “lean” genes, or rather the absence of “obesity-related genes,” can help a person stay lean.

Human DNA is made up of a sequence of molecules called "base pairs." Our genes dictate how our bodies work, and variations at the base-pair level can have subtle or profound effects on characteristics such as eye color, hair color and, of course, weight.

The research team found several genetic variants that had already been identified by researchers as being associated with obesity. However, recent research has identified new genetic regions that may be responsible for a healthy silhouette.

To figure out how genes influence someone's weight, researchers took into account all genetic variants and came up with a genetic risk score.

As they suspected, obese people have a higher genetic risk score, which shows that their risk of becoming overweight is higher than that of normal-weight people. On the other hand, thin people have a significantly lower genetic risk score. They also lack genetic variants known to cause obesity. Thus, the study showed that people who have always been thin, despite diet and lifestyle, have a unique genetic makeup. Although genes can determine a person's weight, this does not mean that you should give up healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle, as personal actions play a crucial role when it comes to weight control.

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Why do some people not gain weight no matter how much they eat?