
Why aren't you always motivated to exercise? Here's the scientific explanation!

No matter how passionate you are about sports, it has probably happened to you at least once when you didn’t feel motivated to workout. Researchers have found that lack of motivation is not only related to the weather outside or the brain, but also to the gut microbiome.

Regular exercise has many benefits for the body—it improves brain health, prevents weight gain and obesity, reduces the risk of disease, strengthens bones, strengthens muscles, and helps you feel better overall, the CDC says.

Whether you choose to exercise outdoors or hit the gym, you may have noticed that there are days when you just don't feel motivated to exercise. You might be tempted to say that your lack of motivation is a command from your brain or that it might have something to do with the gloomy weather, but a study published in the journal Nature suggests your gut microbiome may be to blame.

What did scientists find out?

The gut microbiome is the ecosystem of microorganisms (or living microbes) that live in the gut. In recent years, gut health has also been shown to be linked to mental health, immune system, skin health and more, reports T3.

The most recent study found that the gut microbiome may also influence levels of motivation to exercise.

Specifically, scientists found in an animal study that the production of such microorganisms stimulates neuronal activity and therefore increases levels of dopamine, the hormone that makes you feel good during exercise and also helps you stay motivated. . Thus, the gastrointestinal tract may influence running performance and motivation to exercise, which may also explain why some people exercise more often than others.

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Consume fiber, water, avoid alcohol and sugar!

For gut health, it is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber, drink water, and avoid alcohol and sugar. So if you're looking to exercise more in the new year, these recommendations could work great with your diet.

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Why aren't you always motivated to exercise? Here's the scientific explanation!