Did you know that these items can be cleaned with baking soda and vinegar?
There are many items and surfaces that can be cleaned with baking soda and vinegar, but have you thought about it? Once you discover them, these two ingredients will definitely not disappear from your cleaning kit.
Baking soda and vinegar are two ingredients you can use to clean grease and grime from ovens, wipe down tiles and grout, sanitize your dishwasher, and remove stubborn stains from carpet.
Additionally, you can also use this solution to disinfect shredders. Over time, grinders can become stained and produce all sorts of odors. To clean them, all you need to do is apply vinegar to the grinder, then apply baking soda and scrub well. Finally, rinse off with cold water. This trick helps remove stubborn stains and odors. Here's what else you can make with these ingredients!
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You refresh the smell of the bed mattress
You can freshen the smell of your mattress by simply sprinkling baking soda on it. You leave it for a few hours and then vacuum it up. For stubborn stains, mix vinegar and water and scrub well with a brush or rag.
For curtains without stains
It may happen that over time, the curtains you use in your shower stall will take on an unsightly appearance. To get rid of small stains, mix equal parts vinegar and water, pour the solution into a spray bottle, spray the shower curtain and wipe with a sponge that you have applied baking soda to. Finally, rinse well and enjoy your cleanest curtain yet!
Clean your electric grill
It will be easier to remove dirt from your electric grill using baking soda and vinegar. In a bowl, mix the two ingredients to form a paste. Leave the solution on overnight and the next day, wipe off the paste with a damp cloth to keep your grill sparkling without the use of chemicals.
Clean your pet's litter box
To ensure your pet enjoys a clean litter box/bed, sprinkle baking soda on it, wait 30 minutes, and then vacuum. For stubborn stains, mix vinegar with water and scrub with a sponge.