
4 Solutions to Effectively Manage Office Stress

Every working person has encountered professional stress at least once. Any job can be associated with a dose of stress, even if you do what you love.

In the short term, stress occurs when you feel pressured by deadlines, but when work stress becomes chronic, it can take a toll on both physical and emotional or mental health. You can't always avoid stress at work, but you can take steps to manage it effectively.

1. Make sure you are in a work environment that encourages work-life balance.

Nowadays, it is important that work provides a healthy development environment that does not affect our health. There are companies and workplaces that encourage work-life balance. Recreation areas, gyms, and socializing with colleagues after work help create an optimal environment for both the company and you as an employee.

2. Short walks in nature will help you take your mind off work.

A short walk in nature helps to rest your brain, recharge your batteries and unwind. Green spaces improve well-being, reduce stress and stimulate an innovative spirit.

Ideally, there should be parks and other green spaces near office spaces that allow you to unplug. However, research carried out by Genesis Property, a company created by entrepreneur Liviu Tudor, shows that Romanian employees need walks in nature (51%), participation in events (31.5%) and communication with colleagues (29.2%).

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3. Take short breaks throughout the day

Taking breaks is another way to reduce stress. Even short breaks during working hours help relieve fatigue. Humans are not designed to work 24/7, so a convenient way to avoid chronic fatigue and stress build-up is to take breaks. You can use the Pomodoro technique. This means a 5-minute break after 25 minutes of work. After four work sessions, a break of more than 30 minutes is taken.

Companies can offer opportunities to take breaks. Some employers encourage their employees to play sports, read by arranging reading areas, and relax through various games and socializing activities.

4. Break big tasks into smaller ones

Once you separate your larger tasks, you give yourself the opportunity to breathe easier. For example, if you need to propose a marketing plan for the company you work for, you can determine the necessary steps to develop it.

This way, you no longer have to devote important resources to figuring out what's next. For each small task you check, you can take a short break before moving on to the next one.

Stress at work is unavoidable in most cases. Arm yourself with the stress management techniques outlined above so you can be productive without sacrificing your physical, emotional, or mental well-being.

Photo source: Shutterstock

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4 Solutions to Effectively Manage Office Stress