
Disappearing objects. The desktop computer is one of them.

Did you know that there is a good chance that in 2030 you will no longer be using an office computer? Or that future students will no longer write with chalk on the blackboard as they once did? Discover other endangered objects!

The world is changing at a rapid pace, and what was needed by past generations may no longer be needed by the children of the future. For example, an office computer was absolutely necessary for large and important calculations, but now we already have an application on our mobile phone that helps us with this. Likewise, the blackboard you used to write on with chalk in school has been replaced by a magnetic one, and the payphones once found in every major city in the world have been replaced by mobile phones.

Vanishing objects

Chocolate is on the list of objects with a high probability of extinction by 2030. According to a study by the International Center for Agriculture, cocoa production will decline sharply by 2030 due to unfavorable temperatures and because production will exceed demand. Cars with manual transmission are also on the verge of extinction, being replaced by automatic ones. Many also believe that the TV remote will be replaced by voice or mobile phone commands, and the need for handwriting will also disappear, reports StarsInsider.

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No mailboxes, physical receipts or phone chargers

We may also not receive physical receipts, as major stores have already started offering customers receipts via email or apps, and the parking meter will be replaced by license plate recognition technology. There is also a high probability that in the future we will no longer see: fast food workers, mailboxes and cell phone chargers.

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Disappearing objects. The desktop computer is one of them.