
Mistakes you shouldn't make while fasting. I can make you fat

Although it does not seem difficult to follow, fasting can come with several mistakes that can not only lead to obesity but also lead to imbalance in the body. Dr. Michaela Bilic offers some tips in one of her posts.

Mistakes to avoid while fasting:

“‼️Be careful with the quantity! The basic principle is to eat a little, just enough to survive. The purpose of fasting is to feel hungry, not to fill yourself with vegetable foods.

️Avoid eating processed, packaged and ultra-processed foods! For health benefits, prepare simple meals based on grains, vegetables and legumes. Avoid fried foods, baked goods, and anything rich in soy and vegetable fats. Make soups, stews, vegetable pots and lots of salads.

️Beware of excess sweets! Religious fasting does not prohibit sugar, although it tires the liver and raises blood cholesterol levels. Lenten sweets are a mixture of flour, vegetable fat and sugar, which quickly leads to obesity.

Even excess salt and oil in processed foods is not beneficial, it requires digestion and metabolism. Fat intake during fasting should be limited; days without oil and wine are as rare as days without fish.

Goals to be achieved in office:

Increase your consumption of fresh or frozen vegetables, the more varied and colorful the better. Plant pigments are health-promoting phytonutrients. Ensure optimal hydration and drink water in different forms: lemon water, green tea, herbal infusions, soups and broths, coffee, etc.

Take 5-6 hour breaks between meals to give your body time to digest and process the previous meal. Fasting means a lot of discipline, it is also a psychological exercise, not just food. Learn moderation and limit the amount of food you eat. If you are really hungry, you don’t need to leave the table full!”, advises Dr. Michaela Bilic.

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Mistakes you shouldn't make while fasting. I can make you fat