
Subtle Signs Your Body Shows You Are Suppressing Emotions

Repressed emotions that are never processed can cause you psychological disorders and symptoms. They usually stem from childhood traumas and one must learn to express them before they cause problems.

The way a person deals with emotions is similar to the behavior of his parents. So, if parents have not managed or faced their emotions, there is a high chance that this person will not be able to manage their feelings either. It is often very easy for us to suppress and hide what we feel because it is easier.

Repressed emotions refer to emotions that you unconsciously avoid. They are different from repressed emotions, which you deliberately avoid because you don't know how to deal with them.

Recognize the signs of suppressed emotions to avoid serious illness!

Many of those who have suppressed negative emotions (fear, anger, frustration, disappointment) feel disconnected from the feelings they were afraid of. As children, they may have been told that these feelings should be suppressed and not allowed to be expressed because they were considered negative. As adults, they find it difficult to express them for fear of being judged.

Some unresolved emotional problems can develop into physical illness. That's why it's important to know the warning signs that show you're suppressing your feelings so you can express them. These signs:

Passive Aggressive - You are passive-aggressive in unpleasant situations.

Blockage – You feel numb, blocked, spiritually empty.

Avoidance - You prefer to surround yourself with people who distract you and prevent you from being alone with your thoughts.

Forgetting – You often forget things.

Insecurity – You feel awkward and uncomfortable when others talk about their feelings.

Silence - you prefer to agree to everything that is asked of you and do not express your wishes.

Nervousness – You often feel nervous or stressed.

Phone addiction – You spend almost all your time looking at a screen, be it your phone, social media, TV or laptop.

Self-isolation - you do not show your emotions and do not cry at all.

Excitement – You get excited when someone asks how you are feeling.

Control – You feel the need to control the situation.

Overreacting - You overreact to every little thing that bothers you.

Lack of self-confidence - you have low self-esteem.

Exhaustion - you are tired for no reason, but you also cannot rest well, you have sleep disorders

Illness – You get sick often, whether you have minor ailments, viruses, or illnesses that become chronic.

Weight problems – you are losing or gaining weight for unexplained reasons.

How to Express Your Suppressed Emotions

If you have come to the conclusion that you have repressed feelings that are seriously affecting you, take these steps!

Talk to a close friend or relative about the emotions that are weighing on you. Avoid isolation and build relationships with others. Trust them.

Try to understand the feelings of others because they also rely on you, but you also count on their well-being. You also begin to understand your own feelings, because if you understand yours, you will be able to realize in time what is happening and you will be able to stop suppressing the negative ones. Call a psychotherapist for advice.

PHOTO: Pixabay

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Subtle Signs Your Body Shows You Are Suppressing Emotions