
Do you suffer from sleep paralysis? Here are the solutions you have to prevent it!

Sleep paralysis becomes a problem when it occurs frequently and affects the quality of sleep. If you are also experiencing this disorder, here is what you can do to prevent it!

Sleep paralysis, also known as sleep paralysis, is a disorder in which a person is unable to move their muscles when awakening from sleep, the NHS writes. Specifically, the person may open their eyes and become conscious, but may not move or speak. This occurs when the body is at rest but the brain is active.

Sometimes sleep paralysis is accompanied by a feeling of suffocation, pressure or hallucinations, that is, a person can see or hear something that is not really there. For example, you may get the impression that there is someone in the room with you, even if you are alone.

It sounds quite scary, but at least one of these episodes can happen to anyone, especially people suffering from insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and/or panic attacks. Fortunately, episodes of sleep paralysis can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes and can be prevented.

What solutions do you have?

If sleep paralysis is taking over your life—for example, if episodes of paralysis are recurring, if you dread going to bed, or feel tired during the day because you don't get enough sleep at night, there are some things you can do. what can you do.

For example, avoid sleeping on your back, avoid heavy meals at dinner and energy drinks, avoid extreme fatigue and overuse of certain medications such as sleeping pills and medications containing valerian!

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Also, create a wake-up and bedtime schedule! Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every morning!

If episodes of sleep paralysis persist, talk to your doctor! They can also occur with hypoglycemia, hypoxia, narcolepsy, mental disorders, and are also caused by heredity.

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Do you suffer from sleep paralysis? Here are the solutions you have to prevent it!