
Zodiac signs, ranked from the most toxic to those who achieve excellence. Where do you fit?

All zodiac signs have qualities and flaws, and no one zodiac sign is better than another, but one astrologer divided the zodiac signs into five categories - from the most "poisonous" to those that exude generosity, and no one puts them at the top of the chapter about kindness.

If you have an account on TikTok, you may have already learned about one of the most popular astrology lists. Originally published in Minds Journal, the 24-item list, compiled by astrologer Lisa Stardust, features men and women from all 12 signs.

Each point occupies its place in the ranking in five categories - top levelthat is, signs radiating generosity and no one surpasses them in kindness, second levelthat is, emotional, but true signs, third levelzodiac signs who achieve their goals, regardless of the opinions of others, fourth level are represented by lonely signs, often indifferent to what is happening around them, fifth level next to whom life is like a roller coaster, full of emotions and adrenaline and last levelthose. the most toxic signs in the horoscope that you should beware of because they take on the role of the victim and can easily deceive you.

So, are you ready to find out which category you fall into?

Signs with the best soul

In the category of natives with the best and most beautiful soul, in order: Aquarius women, Virgo women, Taurus women, Sagittarius men and Libra women. If you qualify here, congratulations!

Emotional but true signs

Highly emotional but very loyal and extremely loyal natives are: Sagittarius women, Leo women, Libra men, Cancer women, Leo men, Pisces women and Aries women. If your partner is in this group, consider yourself lucky!

The most indifferent sign

This category is special because only Gemini men have earned the title of “the most indifferent natives in the horoscope.” They are said to be lonely, so they receive a lot of dislikes.

Living signs

With these natives, life is like a roller coaster ride, full of emotions and adrenaline. These are: Capricorn women and men, Pisces men, Gemini women, Aries men, Scorpio women.

The most toxic zodiac signs in the horoscope

Some natives are said to be "toxic" because they do not take blame and often take on the role of the victim. These are: Aquarius men, Taurus men, Scorpio men and Virgo men.


Photo source: Today / Shutterstock

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Zodiac signs, ranked from the most toxic to those who achieve excellence. Where do you fit?