
Artificial intelligence is increasing the incidence of anxiety. Psychotherapists have a solution!

Due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence systems, many have become concerned about the development of technology and how it may affect their work. You can fight anxiety, at least that’s what psychotherapists say.

According to a Forbes survey, 77% people are concerned that AI will lead to job losses in the coming years as companies look to improve overall productivity.

AI is capable of imitating human functions, including tasks related to perception, reasoning, learning, problem solving, etc., without the use of human intelligence. The most common legal and ethical issues with artificial intelligence include privacy, bias, discrimination, and job automation.

Huffpost predicts that artificial intelligence will replace more than 300 million jobs. All this means that technology can have a huge psychological impact if the technology is perceived as a threat, says Mindy Schoss, a professor in the psychology department at the University of Central Florida. Thus, job insecurity can be an extremely stressful experience. Here's what psychologists have to say about how you could ease your anxiety!

Stay up to date with technology developments

It can be difficult to keep up with the rapid advances in artificial intelligence, especially with the changes that have already been implemented. However, using it to improve productivity can be beneficial. The more knowledgeable you are about AI, the better prepared you will be to plan for your professional future and see opportunities for development. According to the World Economic Forum, the introduction of artificial intelligence will create 97 million new jobs.

Focus on what you can control

Overall, it is important to take care of yourself during times of uncertainty. Focus on the things you can change right now, such as the work you do, prioritizing mental health through positive habits, a healthy lifestyle. Exercises such as thinking about important things in life such as family, creativity, humor will help you overcome anxiety.

Don't forget about the limitations of artificial intelligence!

Despite advances in artificial intelligence technology, there are still doubts that machines and systems can have human creativity. In fact, they can do what people teach them to do. They have no abstraction or creativity, even if they are accurate and very fast. It is unable to convey emotion, use empathy, create original content, or rely on human creativity.

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It can encourage you to learn something new

A certain level of stress can be beneficial because it gives you the energy and motivation you need to make changes. For example, it could motivate someone to learn a new skill both for their current job and outside of it.

Of course, this may be easier said than done. Experts at the University of Florida believe that state and institutional policies should be developed to ensure that workers can access both mental health care to manage anxiety symptoms and programs that allow them to access the training they need to continue working. .

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Artificial intelligence is increasing the incidence of anxiety. Psychotherapists have a solution!