How often should you make love to be healthy?
The frequency of your sexual activity should be within the limits of your and your partner's natural libido. Intimacy has been scientifically proven to improve both physical and mental health, but you've probably wondered how often it's best to have it.
Is it enough to make love once a month, once a week or more often? To answer this question, it is important to remember that any research conducted on this topic can only provide a rough idea of what is considered healthy. There are many factors that can influence the answer. What's good for you and your partner may not be good for someone else.
The Hms & Hers Let's Talk About Sex study, cited by, found that 45% of UK respondents said they had sex less than once a week, while 81% said they had sex weekly or more often. Regular sex has been found to reduce stress and anxiety and lower blood pressure. Other studies have shown that we are wrong to think too much about the frequency of sexual intercourse because it can jeopardize the relationship since every couple has its own dynamic and every relationship is special, just like people.
How do intimate relationships help you?
A study published by the British Medical Journal found that those who rated their health as good or very good were also sexually active. Other studies have found that intimate relationships protect against anxiety and depression. However, the frequency depends on each individual. There are many couples who make love once or twice a month and are very happy, but there are also couples for whom the fact that they cannot meet alone two or four times a week is a stressor in the relationship.
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The frequency depends on many factors.
Libido varies from person to person and is influenced by many factors such as stress, diet and the menstrual cycle. Because of this, the frequency of intimate encounters may also fluctuate. And age is an important factor in the frequency of sexual intercourse. A 2017 study found that the rate is higher at age 20, with an average of 80 times per year, reaching an average of 60 times per year around age 45, or just over once a week, and then up to Over 65 years of age, the frequency reaches approximately 20 times a year, less than once every two weeks.
Research shows that having sex once a week is enough. A study conducted at the University of York, which involved approximately 30,000 people, highlighted the fact that more is not always beneficial for the body, and most participants observed the beneficial effects of intimacy with a frequency of once a week. However, this does not mean that this should be the rule. Intimacy keeps relationships healthy and is good for the health of partners, but it is also necessary to take into account each person's needs, which may vary and may not necessarily fit into a mold.
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