
This will keep your bananas fresh longer.

We all have times when we buy more fruit than we consume and find ourselves unable to keep it fresh. How is this done in the case of bananas?

Hang them up

It turns out there is a scientific reason why bananas should hang on a hook. They begin to ripen as soon as they are picked, or rather, the gas called ethylene, which is released as soon as they are picked, works more slowly if they are kept in limbo.

Bananas bought green will last for a few days at best.

Buy green bananas.

The easiest way to extend the shelf life of bananas is to buy the greenest bananas you can find. Either way, they're picked while they're still green and then slowly cooked until they reach that bright yellow color we love so much.

Wrap the tail of the fruit in cling film.

This maneuver will prolong the freshness of the bananas for another day or two. Another good way to keep bananas fresh is to not peel them. Once the banana peel cracks or splits, oxidation occurs and the fruit spoils quickly, in less than a few hours.

Place ripe bananas in the refrigerator.

One of the golden rules for storing bananas is not to refrigerate them. But rules are made to be broken, especially when it comes to bananas. You should store green bananas out of the refrigerator, but once the bananas are fully ripe, you can move them to the refrigerator, where the cold will prevent them from ripening further.

Freeze them

Freezing bananas is one of the easiest ways to preserve them for later use. But how you freeze bananas can make a big difference in how well they defrost. Freezing everything with the skin on will cause the skin to turn black and not thaw easily. Instead, you should choose to freeze peeled bananas, either frozen individually or sliced and stored in airtight bags.

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This will keep your bananas fresh longer.