
Dr. Michaela Bilic: How to make healthy choices at fast food, cafeteria or supermarket

Choosing food can be a real challenge these days, with many so-called unhealthy options winking at us at every turn and intoxicating us with their taste. Dr. Michaela Bilic reveals what you can eat on the go?

“In the car, in the office, at school or on a trip... what do we eat when we are hungry? Should we leave with a take-out casserole or can we find balanced meals on the street corner? How do we make healthy choices at fast food, cafeterias or supermarkets?

Here's what to remember when consuming packaged, prepared, or cooked foods:

— For ready-made sandwiches, choose an option with as little sauce or mayonnaise as possible, without minced meat, French fries or bread. Choose simple ingredients such as cold steak, ham, ham, cheese, smoked fish. Remove one of the bread slices and top with fresh vegetables (bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes).

- For fast food items, avoid the double burger and fries menu and opt for a simple burger and salad. In the case of a shawarma sandwich, choose one with a lot of vegetables, without sauces. Better pickles than French fries and mustard instead of mayonnaise. Drink light juices or water, and fruit for dessert.

— In the canteen or for delivery, choose soup and a main course, it’s safer than a main course and dessert. Fried or baked meat or fish with boiled vegetables or in a salad also satisfies your appetite and figure. Better than bread, 2-3 tablespoons of rice, mashed potatoes or polenta. Be careful with pasta and pizza, these are dishes that contain a lot of calories. Avoid sauces and fries and skim the soup!

“From a street corner or from a vending machine, the safest and easiest thing is a pretzel and a milkshake. A salty snack like pretzels or puff pastries is better than something sweet like cookies or waffles.

There is no tragedy if we eat so-called unhealthy foods from time to time. Provided that we consume them without haste and do not exaggerate in terms of quantity. Even if it is fast food, it is consumed “slowly”. Whether you're at school, in the office, or traveling, take a few minutes to take a lunch break. And eat with all your attention on your plate!”

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Dr. Michaela Bilic: How to make healthy choices at fast food, cafeteria or supermarket